Patrick Lam

Thoughts and travels of Patrick Lam

Reflections on judo grades

I graded for godan (5th dan) on the competitior stream recently. What does it all mean?

July: last month of classes for Spring, plus some trips

5 weekends, 5 trips; now in Waterloo to close out the term (and do lots of marking). July less brutal than June.

June: better late than never; so much work.

More normal life. Lots of teaching, some paper writing, not much recreation except for an overnight car camping trip.

Trip report: 2022 judo Open Nationals

Good showing in seniors (2 wins) and veterans (3rd) at Canadian Open Nationals.

May: first month of Spring term, so much teaching, focus on judo

Mostly teaching. I got off the plane from New Zealand, took the taxi back to Waterloo, got up early the next morning, and went to an OAC event at Rattlesnake Point. Back to normal life.