Patrick Lam

Thoughts and travels of Patrick Lam

December: start of summer / back to winter soon

First conference (SPLASH) in three years (gave two talks) and South Island vacation. Also a bunch of service tasks, e.g. master’s thesis and PhD comprehensive exams. Submitted a paper!

Christmas on the South Island: Gillepsie, Mueller Hut, glacier kayaking, and rock climbing

Christmas 2022 trip. Like everyone in New Zealand and many people from overseas, we flew in to Queenstown. Got away from the huge hordes by going to Wanaka (small hordes) and Mount Cook Village (some visitors). Did many of the things we’d been planning: Gillespie Circuit, glacier kayaking, Mueller Hut. Also went rock climbing in Wanaka. Featuring many pictures of Wanaka grebes.

Book review: Can't Get There from Here: New Zealand Passenger Rail Since 1920, by André Brett, maps by Sam van der Weerden

A good (though detailed) read about the sad history of NZ passenger rail, with advocacy for a better future.

Leaving Early: The Last Day of our South Island December 2022 trip

A day in the life. Making and executing last-minute travel plans to get back to Wellington from the South Island.

November: winter is coming

Whirlwind Canada tour, where I refereed judo tournaments, served on PhD committees, met up with a ton of people, and did not get COVID. Lots of service, some research, and ignoring teaching. Failed to hike the Round-the-Mountain Circuit around Taranaki due to rain.