August: photos post

Posted by Patrick Lam on Sunday, September 1, 2024

I thought that August had only 30 days, but that’s September. Maybe I could have processed one more set. Nevertheless, let’s get this post out. I added 5 new unprocessed sets and removed 8 sets from the queue, so I’m ahead in terms of sets here, which is better than July’s result.

Picture logs still available. As always, pictures are clickable to go to the full gallery.

  • Sets of pictures posted: 12 (July: 20)
  • Total pictures posted: 523 (648)
  • Total pictures in selection pool: 2064 (1828)
  • Accept rate: 25% (min 16%, max 47%) (July: 35%)
  • Pictures posted on this page: 66
Doubtful Sound: two mollymawks; misty on the Old Ghost Road; Wellington: tūī in flight; Nelson BC: trees and clouds; Australia: forest kingfisher; Melbourne Town Hall at night; Whakapapa Snowcraft course: morning briefing; ridgelines; talking about ice axes.

Wellington (December 2022)

We were in Wellington briefly, between a South Island trip (Gillepsie/Wānaka) and the Around-the-Mountain Circuit.

Fairy village fly agaric; duckling; tūī; rose; listening to a performer; crowds at the Whairepo Lagoon.

Nelson BC (January 2024)

This is almost all of the Christmas pictures. There’s just one more day.

Pickup cab in woods; mushroom underside; MP with dog; MP; Nelson.

Doubtful Sound (May 2024)

There are a lot of photos from the three days on the boat. Here’s the selected photos from the first day.

Navigating on Lake Manapouri; its hydro station; Deep Cove mountains view; Navigator ship's bell; underway on Doubtful Sound; some peaks; floating rocks visual effect; bottlenose dolphin; Buller's mollymawk; layers at sunset.

Old Ghost Road (June/July 2024)

Again I have lots of photos in this set, but here is one day.

Dawn on the river; mist and reflections; sun comes out; MP and weka; inside Specimen Point Hut.

Australia: Melbourne/Cairns (July 2024)

There is more cross-day coverage for this trip so far, but there are still a lot of days that I haven’t touched yet.

Dingo sanctuary staffer with dingo; dingo on tree; two grebes; no platypus; spectacled monarch; granite over Lake Hypipamee; orange-footed megapode; flying back to Melbourne; streets of Melbourne; Melbourne's Royal Exhibition Building.

Snowcraft 1 course at Whakapapa (August 2024)

MTSC's Manuwatu Lodge; volcanic National Park landscape; reading about the outdoors; Andy explaining; James and MP; Don; Stéphan; self-arrest practice; looking out at sunset; Andy; MP; Jon; North wall technique.

I appointed myself photographer of this trip, where I’d volunteered to organize.

Vicki explaining; walking uphill; MP; MP and me; posing with the mountains; digging for the bothy; more ice axe practice.

The List

One more set for October 2022, then a lot of pictures as it gets into spring/summer 2022-2023. Quiet again until August 2023. And I keep on taking photos in 2024.

From 2022:

  • [October] NZ Nationals
  • [November] New Plymouth (4 days with more than a few pictures)
  • [November] Radome/Red Rocks/Wellington
  • [November] Remutaka overnight (2)
  • [December] Kereru (03 Dec), Zealandia (05 Dec)
  • [December] Auckland
  • [December] Wanaka Grebes (3)
  • [December] Gillepsie Circuit (4)
  • [December] Omarama
  • [December] Glacier iceberg kayaking
  • [December] Mueller Hut (2)
  • [December] Wellington NYE

And 2023:

  • [January] AMC (5)
  • [August] Petrel Station (1)
  • [August] Rotorua (quick)
  • [August] Ski trip (4)
  • [September] Wellington double rainbow, Zealandia (2)
  • [September] Waterloo/Calgary/Seattle/Squamish (8)
  • [September] Taupō (1)
  • [October] Winnipeg, Scarborough and Sydney (3)
  • [November] Whitireia Park (1)
  • [November] Puke Ariki Traverse (1)
  • [November/December] Ouvea, Noumea Zoo, Riviere Bleue, Aquarium, Grandes Fougeres, Pic Malawi (6)
  • [December] Seattle, Montreal, Nelson (4)
  • Various (5)


  • Various (4)
  • [January] Nelson BC (1)
  • [February] Travers-Sabine (7)
  • [May] Christchurch/Queenstown/Ben Lomond/Welcome Track/Doubtful Sound (5)
  • [June] Light Cycles
  • [June] Nairn St Cottage
  • [June] Kapiti Island (2)
  • [June/July] Old Ghost Road (6)
  • [July] Melbourne/Cairns (7)
  • [August] Waikato Bays Open (2)
  • [August] Catlins (3)