From Caitlin M., University Programs Specialist, Google Waterloo, Canada:

      Hi Derek and Patrick,

      Derek - it was great to be a part of the WatPD session with
      yourself and Dan yesterday. Really important and meaningful
      information shared with students!

      On that note of meaningful information - while we can't
      distribute a UW questionnaire internally, I did in fact just
      recently run focus groups with our UWaterloo alumni here at
      Google (across all offices), and have some key SE course related
      feedback I'm happy to share as you Curriculum plan:

      Key theme areas that came from our feedback:

      Data Structures and Algorithms, Real-Time Programming, Compiler
      Construction and Intro to Graphics are core course areas that
      influence Googlers work.

      Third year Operating Systems class, either of the Algorithms
      classes (341 or 466/666) or any of the special "Topics in
      Computer Science"/"Readings in Computer Science" courses are
      also very relevant.

      Key Courses that UWaterloo alumni highlighted:

      [Note: not every course listed below is currently part of the SE
      Curriculum, but all are courses pointed out by Googlers from UW
      Math & Eng degree backgrounds, as influential to their current
      careers at Google].

      CS240 (Data Structures and Data Management); fundamental
      required course - every Software Engineering at Google should
      know the content.

      CS245 (Logic and Computation)

      CS246 (Object-Oriented Software Development); helpful for
      technical interviewer preparation

      CS341 (Algorithms); reflective of GREAT technical interview prep

      CS343 (Concurrency and Parallel Programming); still referenced
      by current Googlers as a resource

      CS350 (Operating Systems); quite relevant for coding abilities

      CS365 (Models of Computation)

      CS444 (Compiler Construction); good teamwork experience

      CS452 (Real-time Programming)

      CS454 (Distributed Systems)

      CS488 (Computer Graphics)

      CS486 (Introduction to Artificial Intelligence); important
      course! Google is an AI-first company.

      MATH239 (Introduction to Combinatorics); extremely relevant

      ECE222 (Digital Computers)

      ECE454 (Distributed Computing)

      STAT230 (Probability)

      STAT231 (Statistics)

      Hope this information proves helpful. If you have any follow-up
      questions, please don't hesitate to let me know. Would love to
      hear how your SE curriculum planning shakes out with this
      feedback in mind. Look forward to staying connected.

      Have great weekends!

      On Fri, Mar 31, 2017 at 7:50 AM, Derek Rayside wrote:

	Hi Caitlin,

	Thank you for joining Dan Davison and myself at yesterday's 1B
	SE class prof hour to talk about Google's perspective on the
	importance of professional/soft skills. That industrial
	perspective from a lead employer really helps deliver the

	At lunch you mentioned that Google has some internal data from
	employees who are also UW alumni about which courses they
	currently recognize as influencing their work. That is
	information that SE Director Patrick Lam is currently trying
	to gather from our alumni, to inform our SE Curriculum
	Committee planning. Any information that you can share would
	be appreciated. Alternatively, would it be possible for us to
	distribute Patrick's questionnaire to UW alumni who are
	currently Google employees?
