SE Burnout Survey, November 2019

Author: Patrick Lam

During Week 9 of Fall 2019, I polled Waterloo Software Engineering students about workload and burnout. Here are the answers I received, separated by class (SE 2021 and SE 2023). A = Strongly agree (left), D = strongly disagree (right).

I've achieved the success I want at this stage of life.

I feel a sense of belonging to my SE class.

I don't know what I want in life.

My life is well-balanced and I'm good at life maintenance (aka "adulting").

I can find time to pursue my personal out-of-class interests.

The end of my degree is in sight.

I am learning useful things in several of my classes.

I feel overworked.

(3B) I look forward to working on my FYDP.

I implement strategies to avoid burnout.

I feel like being in SE has been a net benefit to me.