Patrick Lam

Thoughts and travels of Patrick Lam

January: Nelson, Wellington, other Nelson, and Sydney

I’m really not experiencing large blocks of unstructured time right now, particularly with all the reviewing I’m doing. But it is true that I don’t have any teaching to prepare, at least. In any case, I haven’t had time to write the January report, or a report on all of 2023, having been in Sydney and then almost immediately onto the Travers-Sabine Circuit in early February. Well, February is only half over!

December: taking all the courses

Travel month with Wilderness First Responder and Avalanche Skills Training 2, and Christmas in Montreal.

November: almost entirely staying put in Wellington

PLDI submission and trip to New Caledonia. Just the routine.

October: NSERC Discovery Grant writing, and refereeing in Canada

Mostly working on a NSERC Discovery Grant application and travelling to referee in Winnipeg and Scarborough, with a stop in Waterloo.

Museum review: Canadian Human Rights Museum / Musée pour les droits de la personne, Winnipeg

I found myself in Winnipeg for 3 days in 2023 (to referee at the Manitoba Open, which was great) and the museum is now open, so I went for a visit after lunch at the Forks. Human rights is an abstract concept, so I was interested to see how the museum would represent that in the form of exhibits.