Patrick Lam

Thoughts and travels of Patrick Lam

August: staying in Canada longer than expected, for good reasons

Was going to go to NZ on August 6 but finally went on August 21, after a judo grading. I hope that I’ve finished everything for Spring term teaching now finally, and can get back to research (and seeing more of NZ).

Reflections on judo grades

I graded for godan (5th dan) on the competitior stream recently. What does it all mean?

July: last month of classes for Spring, plus some trips

5 weekends, 5 trips; now in Waterloo to close out the term (and do lots of marking). July less brutal than June.

June: better late than never; so much work.

More normal life. Lots of teaching, some paper writing, not much recreation except for an overnight car camping trip.

Trip report: 2022 judo Open Nationals

Good showing in seniors (2 wins) and veterans (3rd) at Canadian Open Nationals.