Patrick Lam

Thoughts and travels of Patrick Lam

Leaving Aotearoa Part I: WLG to AKL and on to NZ6

Ma te wa—see you later, New Zealand. First half of my trip from Wellington to Montreal, covering travel from Wellington to Auckland and onto the plane to Los Angeles.

Travel during COVID times: NZ to Canada

Argh! How to get the necessary COVID tests to enter the US and Canada.

Trans-Canada Highway vs State Highway 1: Getting around (Central) Canada & NZ

Thoughts about how people get around in Canada and New Zealand.

Review: Emerald Hours in New Zealand Part II, getting around the South Island

Second part of my book review / transit comparison between 1905 and 2021. This time featuring the South Island and the Milford Track.

Review: Emerald Hours in New Zealand Part I, North Island (but really, transport in NZ)

Alys Lowth and her party toured New Zealand in the early 1900s and took a surprising amount of public transit. Here, I compare public transit in NZ in 1905 and today. Also: things that are the same (geology), and things that are different (not as much as one would think!).