Patrick Lam

Thoughts and travels of Patrick Lam

Review: Takahē: Bird of Dreams by Alison Ballance

Stories about takahē: re-discovery, conservation, and their habits.

Comparing the Old Ghost Road and Paparoa tracks and their books

The Old Ghost Road and the Paparoa Great Walk cross similar terrain on the West Coast in New Zealand. But the Old Ghost Road was led by a nonprofit, while the Paparoa was the product of the Department of Conservation. Let’s compare them.

Trip report: Christchurch/Lincoln, Queenstown, and Doubtful Sound

Not the Cascade Saddle, take 2. Canterbury Open (judo), Queenstown hikes (Ben Lomond, Welcome Rock) and bike trips (Gibbston), and Doubtful Sound for 2 nights.

Trip report: Whanganui Journey—five days canoeing on the Whanganui river

Great Walk #9: not a walk at all, but a 145km canoe trip down the Whanganui River, with gentle rapids. We got there using public transit.

Review: The Last Front Line by Brendan O'Dwyer

How the sausage is made: Brendan O’Dwyer writes about building the Paparoa Great Walk on NZ’s West Coast.